Thursday, 26 September 2013


I was sitting with my house-mates, discussing different ideas. When one of them mentioned making a lonely hearts advert in the newspaper. Describing myself in a way that is provocative, and suggestive and film who turns up. Or just take photographs. Asking them to bring a certain object that I could recognize them by; Perhaps something ironic like a red rose, the rose that usually symbolizes romance, love, and something lasting. Documenting all the communication that I would have with said person. However I wouldn't want to exploit anyone so I will have to think of a way of doing it in a way that doesn't exploit or take advantage of someone’s loneliness or desires. I have saved a large amount of conversations that I have already received from people through a different means of contact.

Whilst reading about Laurel Nakadate I was drawn in by her trusting manner. She would meet up with men a lot older then her and ask them to take part within her art. Whether it is a staged birthday party or a brief encounter, all her work portrays the loneliness and secret desires of every person. They're all strangely beautiful, completely unsuspecting, and sometimes utterly moving. I would like to represent something like this. Its just working out how to do this.

Her 'Opps' performance. (Low Quality) But still watchable.

FADER TV: Art Show With Laurel Nakadate

New Year

Last year I became interested in the exploitative, shocking and sometimes awe-inspiring nature of Performance Art. Artists such as Gunter Brus, Otto Muel and Stuart Brisley would horrify and startle me. Whilst the female artists of the movement such as Laurel Nakadate and Eleanor Antkin would amaze me. I became eager to become a part of this world. 
I struggled however to find a footing within; Experimenting with a range of Video Art, Body Art and Photography.
I have struggled with the idea of performance in front of an audience, although I am quite happy to re-create in front of a camera on my own. I have never been a person to enjoy the public eye, I am blissfully happy to do my own thing within the shadows so to speak. So these new outlandish ideas of mine are rather out of my comfort zone.
As a way of over-coming this I used Natasha as my canvas, but we had disagreements over who s work was who’s thus confusing us both. This year I will endeavor not to misidentify my work so that I can have a finished show that I am proud of myself. Besides looking back at last years work I believed it was the ones that I performed in that made more of an impact on me and the audience. - During my last tutorial I was told that my video Take My Body was very delicate and almost like they had staggered across something very intimate.
Last year I was also fascinated in using the human body as a canvas, looking into how the paint lies upon the skin. But it lacked contextual backing and good research. I was left with just an idea and not much work behind it.
This year whilst concentrating on female artists I have become interested in various feminist movements. I want to look into more about the intimacy and fantasies between men and woman and how it effects us in the society. Things that perhaps we keep to ourselves, for example sexual relationships. cravings for dominance or submission. Unless perhaps if we are behind a screen, a computer or phone.

So for my project I want to focus on this; Sex, dominance, need, submission, loneliness. Our secret desires, and the need to keep this all so private. All this with a feminist point of view.