Tuesday, 8 April 2014

I have been researching different way to show my work for the degree show, I have decided i'd quite like to show my work in either three or four's. Based on this idea I have spent the time making collages to see what photos would most fit what I am trying to portray. Here is just a few.

A Catch Up Blog


Ellipsis (Narrative device
Sex theory and feminism - have reversed the roles and portrayed man as object
The subversion of the hegemony of male dominance in western society 
Carl Jung's archetypes -  focusing on archetypes that we find in fairy tales or other film and literature, Focusing on his Anima, Animus and The Shadow archetypes.
The Gaze


Primary interpretation – what I want you to see and what narrative I want you to construct
Secondary – what the audience interpret. 

Main Artists
Cindy Sherman.
Anna Gaskell
                                                           Jane Burton