(dog), 2007
c-print, 180 x 225 cm
Jan Smaga works with combining classical photography techniques with computer editing. "Recreation of three dimensional architectural space onto a two dimensional image"
Although this is a different technique to me, I find the overall image incredibly interesting. These woman superimposed all over this mans body. threatening to obscure his identity. The title 'Dog' belittles the man and makes him seem no little then a sexual toy, displaying his submission to the woman littered over his back as he kneels waiting for his command.
You could say that by displaying the female forms in such a provocative manner that it was still objectifying the woman regardless of placement, maybe it is a statement of media in general today. Nevertheless they could be saying, although you try and objectify us we as woman swarm and we are strong.
Regardless of what the meaning behind this image is, I find it incredibly strong.
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